Sunday, October 28, 2018
Have a smart kid with great vision
Have a smarter kid who sees good
In addition to the dietary recommendation for pregnant women, we have nutritional supplement recommendations to ensure maximum benefits for mom and baby.
How to have a healthy pregnancy
Ultra Omega-Linic, in particular, gives mom the necessary nutrients to preserve the her brain - and perhaps prevent postpartum depression. At the same time these essential fatty acids will aid the baby's brain and retina development.
Give your baby a healthy start
Ultra Omega-Linic contains a blend of wild Alaskan Salmon and other fish oils (from sustainable Alaskan fisheries) plus Black Currant Seed oil - giving mom 'n baby ALL the essential fatty acids.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Monday, October 22, 2018
Looking for a great toothpaste WITHOUT fluoride?
Cinnamint Toothpaste! Great for the Whole Family

Best of all, it contains monolaurin which provides anti bacterial and anti viral defense for your gums. A truism - dental infections can lead to other health problems. Some investigators have found that fat, such as lard, reduced the incidence of caries (tooth decay) more than did lowering the intake of carbohydrate. There are no studies to 'prove it', but it makes sense that coconut oil (our source for monolaurin) would be even more effective than other oils for gum health.
The soothing essential oils of peppermint, spearmint, cinnamon, myrrh, grape seed plus green tea extract leave your mouth feeling fresh as an after dinner mint..
Check out our 5 oz deluxe airless pump bottle.
Visit for reasons to oppose Fluoridation.
Wouldn't you prefer a toothpaste without Fluoride?
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not
intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Wednesday, October 10, 2018
Be well with this innovative herbal formula
What the ingredients DO
The Herbs in Radical Resilience have evidence-based properties:
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease
- Fight oxidative stress
- Activate the Nrf2 Antioxidant Pathway
- Reduce inflammation
- Support the adrenals
- Reduce stress
- Improve mood and cognitive ability
- Balance hormones
- Support healthy immune function.
The Herbs in Radical Resilience have evidence-based properties:
- Milk Thistle: Antioxidant, anti-cancer, anti-aging, hepatoprotective, cytoprotective
- Bacopa: Cognitive enhancing, antioxidant, antidepressant
- Turmeric: Antioxidant, hepatoprotective, anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, thrombolytic, gastroprotective, neuroprotective
- Melissa (Lemon Balm): Antioxidant, antigenotoxic, antimutagenic, anxiolytic, cognitive enhancing
Maca is an antioxidant. It is adrenal supporting, anti-stress,
hormone balancing, supports libido, anti-hyperplastic, anti-tumor
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease
Friday, September 21, 2018
Sweet Poison - Aspartame
A discussion from Marilyn Sidwell regarding an email entitled ‘Sweet Poison’
In September of 2014 I received an email that described a woman who began a downhill health journey in October 2001. Her worst problem was severe muscle pain. Doctors performed tissue biopsies and prescribed medications. The problems persisted and she made plans for ‘her last hooray’. The most likely diagnosis given to the lady was MS.The following March her brother, referring to an email he had received, asked her if she drank diet soda? She responded that she did. He suggested that she stop the diet pop. She did, and within 32 hours she called him to report that the muscle spasms had gone away and she could walk. Their belief is that she had Aspartame poisoning and that avoiding its use saved her life.
The email references information from H.J. Roberts, M.D., F.A.C.P, F.C.C.P. In a reply submitted to Time Magazine he states that it is his professional opinion that Aspartame products should be removed from the market as an “imminent public health threat”. He labels the problem of the habitual consumption of “diet” products containing the chemical aspartame (marketed as ‘Nutra Sweet’, ‘Equal’, and ‘Spoonful’) as aspartame disease. He also labels it a clinical addiction. There are now over 5,000 products on the market that contain this deadly chemical, and there will be thousands more introduced. Read ALL labels carefully for Aspartame (or one of its marketing names) - even those foods that you have used in the past which did not contain it.
The symptoms reported in Dr Roberts’ database of over 1,200 aspartame reactors include neurologic, psychologic, eye, endocrine, metabolic and pediatric ravages. He also believes products containing Aspartame can cause, aggravate or accelerate migraine, seizures, MS, diabetes and its complications, Alzheimer’s disease and brain tumors.
Dr Roberts goes on to report his belief that many of those who suffer these symptoms of aspartame disease also have difficulty stopping its use due to violent and prolonged withdrawl reactions. He reported that the amounts of aspartame products consumed daily ranged up to six liters or 12 cans of sodas, 20 or more packets, and lots of chewing gum. Withdrawl symptoms, including an intense craving, usually abated promptly upon resuming aspartame.
The email author went on to report that when the temperature of this sweetener exceeds 86 degrees F, (normal body temperature is 98.6 degrees F) the wood alcohol in aspartame converts to formaldehyde, then to formic acid, the poison found in the sting of fire ants. Many people are diagnosed in error with MS. While MS is not a death sentence, Methanol toxicity that results from the breakdown of aspartame is a death sentence.
Systemic lupus has become almost as rampant as MS, especially among diet pop drinkers. When one considers the myriad symptoms caused by this artificial sweetener, it is no wonder it is considered by many to produce aspartame poisoning. Consider the following symptoms reported by aspartame users: tinnitus, fibromyalgia, spasms and cramps, shooting pains, numbness in the legs, vertigo, dizziness, headaches, joint pain, unexplainable depression, anxiety attacks, slurred speech, blurred vision or memory loss.
When these problems are the result of ingesting aspartame they are usually reversed by stopping its use. A quote from the email: “Diet soda is NOT a diet product! It is a chemically altered product that actually makes you crave carbohydrates.” A diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy might in fact be a problem caused by aspartame, which drives the blood sugar out of control. Diabetic memory loss may actually be caused by the neurotoxicity of aspartic acid and phenylalanine when taken without the other amino acids necessary for a good amino acid balance.
Aspartame crosses the blood/brain barrier where it deteriorates the neurons. This causes problems such as seizures, depression, rage, manic depression, panic attacks, uncontrollable anger and rage. Documentation and observation reveal that some children diagnosed with ADD and ADHD have had complete turnarounds in behavior when this chemical is removed from their diet.
Dr Robert warns that aspartame can cause birth defects if it is being consumed at the time of conception and during early pregnancy. In his opinion, children should NEVER be given artificial sweeteners.
In his article on Sports, Athletics and High Energy Activities, Dr John Jones warns about the danger of drinking ‘diet’ pop. Aspartame seems to have a negative affect on young athletes. It has a negative affect on previously ‘well’ individuals - pilots, drivers and athletes. Dr Jones quotes a CDC statistic “Over 460,000 people annually die of a disorder called sudden cardiac “death”. This condition strikes otherwise healthy people who have experienced no obvious symptoms of heart disease prior to their abrupt deaths. This includes an alarming number of ... professional athletes.”
Dr Jones always stresses the importance of a really good multi Vitamin and Mineral formula, plus PREformed Essential Fatty Acids. But if you have been eating and / or drinking foods which contain Aspartame and are suffering the consequences - especially any of the neurological symptoms - the use of Ultra Vites and Ultra Omega-Linic are of particular importance. Their use may help prevent further deterioration. There is also the possibility of a return to normal function - especially after stopping exposure to Aspartame.
Sugar facts and Information
The average person consumes 100 to 150 lbs sugar per year. 80 percent of that is consumed in soft drinks, candy, cereal and baked goods. If you don’t use that much sugar, somebody else is consuming your share.The term natural sugar refers to those sugars which are derived from plant material and not made in a laboratory. The definition of ‘natural’ is moot. For instance, the FDA will not allow the Sugar Association to label cane and sugar beet products as natural. Natural sweeteners are listed as barley malt syrup, blackstrap molasses, brown rice syrup, date sugar, evaporated white grape juice and evaporated whole cane juice, honey, maple syrup and granules, mixed fruit juice concentrate and stevia.
While we are on the subject of sugar, the world-wide increase in the consumption of high fructose corn syrup parallels the increase in overweight people and obesity world wide! Studies have shown that consumption of sucrose (which is glucose and fructose) and fructose (another sugar) promotes fatty liver disease. We recommend you read all labels carefully to avoid high fructose corn syrup.
A sugar substitute duplicates the effect of sugar in taste, usually with less food energy. Some of these are natural, some are synthetic. Six intensely sweet sugar substitutes have been approved for use in the US - Stevia, aspartame, sucralose, neotame, acesulfame potassium and saccharin. Natural sugar substitutes include sorbitol and xylitol. Wickipedia has a list of natural sugar substitutes which includes inulin, maltitol, mannitol, sorbitol, stevia and xylitol. Other natural sugar substitutes include agave, coconut and lou han.
Remember the adage “all things in moderation”!
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.Please visit the website of John W Jones, MD, MPH - There you will find more articles, nutritional recommendations for common health conditions, and recipes.
Toll Free phone or Fax: 1-888-953-5553
Marilyn Sidwell
Monday, September 17, 2018
Aromatherapy: Windrose Aromatics
Essential Oils to Calm Your Colicky Baby
What you need: An empty 5 ml bottle, 4 drops Roman Chamomile, 4 drops Lavender and a Carrier oil
Put drops of oil into empty 5 ml bottle.
Add the carrier oil until it reaches the bottom of the bottle neck. Put the cap on tightly & shake until well blended
Massage on baby's tummy in a clockwise motion as often as needed
Also, check out Rock-A-Bye Baby Oil - a calming Massage Oil to help soothe your baby into a calm and restful sleep. Great aid for colic relief.
Add the carrier oil until it reaches the bottom of the bottle neck. Put the cap on tightly & shake until well blended
Massage on baby's tummy in a clockwise motion as often as needed
Also, check out Rock-A-Bye Baby Oil - a calming Massage Oil to help soothe your baby into a calm and restful sleep. Great aid for colic relief.
- An Essential Oil (EO) Carpet Freshener: 1 c baking soda, 20 drops EO blend (Fresh Breeze, Energize, or Refresher)
- Need a Comb and Brush cleaner: 1 1/2 cups water, 1/2 cup distilled white vinegar, 20 drops Tea Tree, Lavender or Eucalyptus EO
- For Laundry: use Tee Tree , Lavender or Lemon, Or a combination of the 3. I sometimes add Peppermint ( about 5-10 drops) to make my towels smell clean and fresh, or I use Breath Easy (about 10-15 drops )
Things you want to know - but don't know who to ask
Essential Oils - Aromatherapy - Essential InformationFrom the plant to the bottle - High standards for quality control
How to care for Essential Oils - Easier than you thought
Yes you can make Your own Aromatherapy - Help for common complaints, Relieve daily aches and pains, or enhance your sense of well-being.
Easy ways to use Aromatherapy - Inhale, Lotions and Spritzes
Ahhhh - Massage - what oils work best, how to blend them
Essential Oils for your Bath - Ahhhhh - a relaxing Bath
Essential Oils for Colds and Flu - 'Nuff Said!' Relief is here!
Aromatherapy Companion Pack - take-along for
- motel rooms
- the gym,
- the the pool...
The cost is so low - how can it be quality? - Quality assured: Analyzed and Tested.
This information is intended as a guide only. Anyone with a serious health condition should consult a qualified health professional.
Friday, August 17, 2018
Update Sept 2017 from - an article about NAFLD - Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver disease.
"The liver cannot metabolize highly concentrated synthetically derived fructose, it becomes fat that is mostly stored in the liver. This is the crux of NAFLD. The timelines of HFCS use and increasing NAFLD cases are related.
HFCS can be disguised in USA processed food and beverage products as:
Just when you thought the food you buy is safe...
You've done your research and KNOW what foods are safe - HAH!
Today we learned that the food companies have tumbled to our preference - you know, the one where we would prefer to buy food which does not contain these toxic additives. Their solution? Rename them, of course! That way you don't really need to alter the ingredients, just change the design of the box - and modify the label information.
This means that you must be more diligent than ever when buying food - especially food that comes in cans and boxes - packaged by one of the food manufacturing companies.. For instance, you can still determine how much sugar (fructose) the 'serving size' contains by checking the amount of carbohydrate. Um, another way they 'cheat' is to downsize the serving size. Would you really eat only 1/4 cup of that cereal, for instance? You may also find a product that says it does not contain Aspartame. Now you know to look for AminoSweet - or you might find some other toxic substances to tease your 'sweet tooth'.
Don't be misled by the the word 'Natural'. It is plastered on the outside of nearly every box and can in the store. Unfortunately, that word really has no meaning in this context - except to make you think you are getting something not created in a food factory.
In reality you need to determine both calories and carbohydrates in a given serving size.
The condition called 'insulin resistance' develops when the amount of sugar, particularly simple sugar (and high fructose corn syrup) affects the pancreas so that it becomes confused. It becomes more and more difficult for the body to maintain sugar in the blood at the proper levels. It becomes easier to store fat, and harder to lose it.
Because of the extreme difficulty we know you have getting the nourishment you need on a daily basis we are featuring:
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
"The liver cannot metabolize highly concentrated synthetically derived fructose, it becomes fat that is mostly stored in the liver. This is the crux of NAFLD. The timelines of HFCS use and increasing NAFLD cases are related.
HFCS can be disguised in USA processed food and beverage products as:
- Maize syrup
- Glucose syrup
- Glucose/Fructose syrup
- Tapioca syrup
- Dahlia syrup
- Fruit fructose
- Crystalline fructose
- Corn syrup
Just when you thought the food you buy is safe...
You've done your research and KNOW what foods are safe - HAH!
- Aspartame has a new name - AminoSweet
- Aspartame - other names: NutraSweet and Ajinomoto.
- High Fructose corn syrup HFCS has a new name - fructose.
- High Fructose corn syrup has another new name - Natural Sweetener
Today we learned that the food companies have tumbled to our preference - you know, the one where we would prefer to buy food which does not contain these toxic additives. Their solution? Rename them, of course! That way you don't really need to alter the ingredients, just change the design of the box - and modify the label information.
This means that you must be more diligent than ever when buying food - especially food that comes in cans and boxes - packaged by one of the food manufacturing companies.. For instance, you can still determine how much sugar (fructose) the 'serving size' contains by checking the amount of carbohydrate. Um, another way they 'cheat' is to downsize the serving size. Would you really eat only 1/4 cup of that cereal, for instance? You may also find a product that says it does not contain Aspartame. Now you know to look for AminoSweet - or you might find some other toxic substances to tease your 'sweet tooth'.
Don't be misled by the the word 'Natural'. It is plastered on the outside of nearly every box and can in the store. Unfortunately, that word really has no meaning in this context - except to make you think you are getting something not created in a food factory.
In reality you need to determine both calories and carbohydrates in a given serving size.
- A Calorie is defined as a unit of energy. The folks who promote weight loss based on exercise presume that when you exercise you will burn more calories than you take in - and thus you will lose weight (one can only hope)
- A Carbohydrate is an organic compound (hydrogen and carbon). Foods that are high in carbohydrates are rich in starch and/or sugar.
The condition called 'insulin resistance' develops when the amount of sugar, particularly simple sugar (and high fructose corn syrup) affects the pancreas so that it becomes confused. It becomes more and more difficult for the body to maintain sugar in the blood at the proper levels. It becomes easier to store fat, and harder to lose it.
Because of the extreme difficulty we know you have getting the nourishment you need on a daily basis we are featuring:
- our Basic Bundle for adults and
- a Basic Bundle for Kids

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Tuesday, July 31, 2018
Turmeric: A Little Miracle unto itself
Is Turmeric really that good for you?
Turmeric has evidence-based properties: Antioxidant, hepatoprotective, anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, thrombolytic, gastro protective, neuro protective.
Turmeric has been recommended for
- Arthritis
- Hepatitis
- Inflammation
- Liver Congestion
- Hashimoto's Thyroiditis
We have four Products which contain Turmeric:
Ultra Turmeric Plus (with BioPerine and Curcumin C3 Complex),
Radical Resilience,
Renewal DMAE and Renewal Mega CoQ10.
Curcumin C3 Complex
Curcumin C3 Complex with BioPerine
Here's a Great Website with More Info on Turmeric - Cognitune
Friday, June 22, 2018
Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder and Severe Depression
These three conditions may respond to PREformed, Polyunsaturated Essential Fatty Acid Supplementation better than they respond to drugs
A challenge many health care professionals face (regardless of the type of practice): patients who are plagued by a variety of neuropsychiatric problems. Here we discuss three neuropsychiatric problems in particular: Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder and Severe Depression. These three have a common genetic link. Life is very difficult for people with these condition, and for their family. All neuropsychiatric disorders seem to benefit from fish oil supplementation and other Nutritional Supplements.
So, what is different about these 3 conditions?
Data suggest that Schizophrenia, Bipolar and Severe Depression conditions have an accelerated rate of loss of long chain EFAs (AA, DHA, EPA and DGLA) from the Sn2 position of membrane phospholipids. The use of Ultra Omega-Linic in these situations is effective for two reasons.
1. The high EPA in Ultra Omega-Linic quenches the over-activity of of the enzyme responsible for this loss; and
2. Ultra Omega-Linic contains (and replaces) the particular EFAs that were lost due to the over-activity of the enzyme.
With time, compliance and patience the cell functions normalize - a huge benefit to the patient, the family and YOU!.
It is important that any pregnant mother receive Ultra Omega-Linic so that she can provide the necessary EFAs to the baby . The baby takes what it needs for its own neurological development - especially while the brain and retina are developing. This can deplete the mother's own body stores of EFAs.
These particular neuropsychiatric conditions that we are discussing have a genetic link. Therefore the problems run in the family. If the mother is supplemented with EPA, DHA, and GLA during pregnancy and lactation (Dr Jones has recommended this since the mid 1990's), the problems may not manifest themselves in quite as negative a way - if they ever do! Following this thought, the child should be supplemented all through infancy - and for life.
Visit the website of John W Jones, MD, MPH, to view his complete Information on Neurological conditions. More information on Essential Fatty Acids, Plus Fats and Fatty Acids with a flow chart and definitions of terms
Visit our webstore to buy Ultra Omega-Linic
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Thursday, June 21, 2018
About Air Fresheners
Make Your Home (Smell) Great Again
by Marilyn Sidwell
with oversight from John W Jones, MD
Did you know? You get used to the smells in your home! Ahhhh, yes, it smells like 'home'. Um - how do you learn that your home 'smells bad'? Someone tells you. Sure!
So, if a visitor wrinkles their nose (they are too polite to tell you your room stinks), you're gonna run for your air freshener, right? Because you want it to smell outdoor-fresh!
Question: is that really the best or wisest choice? A web search for 'air freshener' turns up some very interesting information. This website discussed a popular brand which lists 3 ingredients. But the Environmental Working Group found it contained 87 chemicals - many of which are toxic and carcinogenic. Using it might expose you to hazardous materials through inhalation (those globules keep floating in the air) or absorbed through your skin.
And what about the (false) impression that you are somehow 'cleaning the air' by eliminating odors?
Not quite fair, is it?
Is there a better way? YES!
You could make your own air freshener with essential oils.Many Essential Oils (EO) have properties that can enhance the air in your home. A September 2017 study compared an essential oil blend with 3 household products. The study showed that the EO blend was more effective at inhibiting the growth of specific microorganisms than were the commercial products tested. The cited bacteria would, of course, contribute to household odors. They may also have a health impact by exposing you to harmful bacteria (as opposed to 'masking' the smells).
The variety of EO benefits creates a list too long for this article. Read HERE for evidence based suggestions.. Suffice to say that in addition to anti-bacterial, anti-mold and bug-repellant effects, EOs can affect mood, improve concentration, increase energy (invigorate you), repel insects, and be changed to meet your daily needs.
Create your own Air Freshener spray for your space. Do this by filling a 2-ounce spray bottle with distilled water and add 30 to 40 drops pure essential oils. Always shake before each use.If you want the spray to enhance your well-being to this: put 10 drops each lavender, rosemary, tea tree and eucalyptus in 2 oz distilled water. Hint: bugs don’t like to be around....
Hey - how about a carpet freshener? 1 cup baking soda, 20 drops EO blend (Fresh Breeze, Energize, or Refresher are popular choices) Mix well in a non-plastic container & let sit covered overnight. This allows the oils to be absorbed into the baking soda. Sprinkle over carped the next day. Vacuum.
Too much trouble?
Our AromaFresh room deodorizer is ready made for your enjoyment. Enjoy the Essential Oils of Peppermint, Lime and Lemongrass.Another option
A few Suggestions
Aromatherapy Companion Pack | Take along - to the gym, to work, to your hotel room. Lavender, Peppermint, Tea Tree, Rosemary and Eucalyptus Essential Oils + a spray bottleBreathe Easy | Bergamot, Tea Tree and Lemon - to clear, purify & cleanse
Juniper Berries | A purifying aerosol and air freshener anti-bacterial ingredient
Petitgrain Bigarade | A great antifungal, antimicrobial for your spritzer and/or diffusor
Wikipedia - Air Freshene
What’s lurking in Febreeze
Comparison of antimicrobial activities of natural essential oils and synthetic fragrances against selected environmental pathogens
Aromatherapy Companion Pack
BLOG: Evidence based Clinical Aromatherapy Materia Medica
Monday, June 18, 2018
Dealing with opioid induced constipation?
Ah - you can have another drug to deal with a drug-induced problem ...
or you can consider Natural Solutions
Ultra 4x6 Probiotic
Opti-MSM Lotion Plus
fiber for bulk
water for hydration
Opioid-induced - or constipation from any cause - is the kind of GUT problem that is often considered 'normal', and as a result it is not usually discussed with the doctor.
Yet constipation will usually produce a myriad of symptoms and problems that are difficult for patients to deal with.
Constipation most often is a big problem for older patients and it is made much worse by the use of opioid drugs. But the problem is not limited to any particular age group. For instance, opioid-induced constipation may result from post-surgery and/or post-injury medications. If these meds include antibiotics there is a need to introduce helpful and beneficial probiotic organisms.
Regardless of the cause, the result is that the entire digestive system slows down. Slow stomach-emptying often produces GERDS. When the lower GI tract slows there is often bloating (abdominal distention) and cramping. Peristalsis, the movement of food along the GI tract, slows or stops.
Ginger, one or two with meals, promotes peristaltic motion, which helps propel food thru the GI tract. In addition, Magnesium Oxide, a natural mild laxative, can help while delivering Magnesium, often deficient in our diets.
Make sure the diet contains fiber-rich foods, fiber and bulking supplements, and drink 8 oz or more glasses of warm water daily. In some cases a 15 minute walk to stimulate the bowel is very helpful.
One interesting solution we found for stomach cramping and straining is to gently massage the stomach and abdominal area. Before getting out of bed in the morning or after a relaxing bath use Opti-MSM Lotion Plus in a clockwise direction. MSM is a pain-relieving delivery system for the calming and soothing essential oils our lotion contains.
Read more: good information from a Naturopath:
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
or you can consider Natural Solutions
by Marilyn Sidwell with oversight by John W Jones, MD
Ultra 4x6 Probiotic
Opti-MSM Lotion Plus
fiber for bulk
water for hydration
Opioid-induced - or constipation from any cause - is the kind of GUT problem that is often considered 'normal', and as a result it is not usually discussed with the doctor.
Yet constipation will usually produce a myriad of symptoms and problems that are difficult for patients to deal with.
Constipation most often is a big problem for older patients and it is made much worse by the use of opioid drugs. But the problem is not limited to any particular age group. For instance, opioid-induced constipation may result from post-surgery and/or post-injury medications. If these meds include antibiotics there is a need to introduce helpful and beneficial probiotic organisms.
Regardless of the cause, the result is that the entire digestive system slows down. Slow stomach-emptying often produces GERDS. When the lower GI tract slows there is often bloating (abdominal distention) and cramping. Peristalsis, the movement of food along the GI tract, slows or stops.
Ginger, one or two with meals, promotes peristaltic motion, which helps propel food thru the GI tract. In addition, Magnesium Oxide, a natural mild laxative, can help while delivering Magnesium, often deficient in our diets.
Make sure the diet contains fiber-rich foods, fiber and bulking supplements, and drink 8 oz or more glasses of warm water daily. In some cases a 15 minute walk to stimulate the bowel is very helpful.
One interesting solution we found for stomach cramping and straining is to gently massage the stomach and abdominal area. Before getting out of bed in the morning or after a relaxing bath use Opti-MSM Lotion Plus in a clockwise direction. MSM is a pain-relieving delivery system for the calming and soothing essential oils our lotion contains.
Read more: good information from a Naturopath:
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Sunday, June 17, 2018
Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)
This is the Scariest Piece of information we have come across.
You probably know that drinking too much alcohol can damage your liver. What you might not know is that too much sugar can lead to very similar severe liver problems. Besides changing your diet to avoid high doses of sugar, Studies have shown that some nutritional supplements may be able to help support your liver.The world-wide increase in the consumption of high fructose corn syrup parallels the increase in overweight people and obesity world wide! Studies have shown that consumption of sucrose (which is glucose and fructose) and fructose (sugar) promotes fatty liver disease, whereas fatty acids from the diet do not.
Ps. When you read the label on a can or a box - anything ending in ‘ose’ is sugar.
Insulin resistance or Type II Diabetes is always present with NAFLD and leads to triglyceride accumulation in the liver. This process is associated with free radical generation, cell injury and fibrosis.
Medical approaches are relatively ineffective
An easy way to help yourself is to embrace the Low Carbohydrate lifestyle modification recommended by John Jones, MD, MPH. At the very least, avoid high fructose corn syrup. A daily intake of around 40 grams of carbohydrate is a good target. This is much more important for blood sugar control and weight loss than counting calories or doing exercise.
If you know you have problems with Gluten and/or Milk you have probably already eliminated them from your diet. This helps the GUT heal.
One effect of high consumption of fructose is bacteria overgrowth in the small intestine, which increases intestinal permeability. This also contributes to the development of NAFLD. Another emerging hypothesis is that pathogenic GUT bacteria and fungi (they LOVE sugar) can produce alcohol, which further increases gut permeability and liver injury.
Read / download Dr Jones' NAFLD Nutritional Protocol
So, what can you do? First (and most important) eliminate sugar and all processed high Carbohydrate foods. The Nutritional Supplements that help are:
- Essential Fatty Acids. Ultra Omega-Linic contains high levels of EPA plus DHA, GLA and SDA
- A good Multi like Ultra Vites to support all the necessary biochemical functions
- A good Probiotic - Ultra 4x6 Probiotic contains 4 different organisms with a 6 billion CFU potency
- Antioxidants. There are several that were studied, but those that are most protective of the liver and tha protect the cellular membranes from oxidative stress help the most
- Vitamin E 400 mixed tocopherols
- Vitamin C - Ultra C-1000
- Coenzyme Q10 - Ultra CoQ10 100
- Protect from Free Radicals with Radical Resilience - Milk Thistle, Bacopa, Melissa & Turmeric
- Ultra DM Complex II - Specifically formulated for blood sugar problems - contains Alpha Lipoic Acid, Cinnamon and GTF Chromium
- You get a high glycemic load which causes insulin resistance and diabetes.
- The storage of fat in the liver causes severe liver damage
- You could be setting yourself up for obesity, diabetes and liver cancer
Products to Support those with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
The increase in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) worldwide seems to be
related to an increase in the consumption of high fructose corn syrup.
High consumption of sugar, in particular high fructose sugar, can lead to severe liver problems where medical approaches are relatively ineffective. The consequences are likely to be obesity, insulin resistance, diabetes and NAFLD.
What can you do to prevent these consequences? We recommend the Low Carbohydrate Lifestyle Modification. Dr Jones DOES NOT recommend Aspartame. Read about 'Sweet Poison' on his website.
These products offer Nutritional Support for this Major Problem for many Americans.
Special Products:
Ultra CoQ10 100, Ultra DM Complex II, Milk Thistle capsules and Vitamin E 400
Milk Thistle: Support optimal Liver function while protecting and regenerating the liver cells. Milk
Thistle promotes liver detoxification.
Ultra CoQ10 100: CoQ10 is an outstanding Anti-Aging supplement. For NAFLD conditions it is one of the most important ways you can protect the body’s phospholipids at the cellular level.
Ultra DM Complex II: Ultra DM Complex was formulated to help regulate blood sugar. Since Diabetes and uncontrolled blood sugar levels are always associated with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, Ultra DM Complex is an effective supplement for this problem. Its ingredients, alpha lipoic acid, cinnamon and GTF chromium have been shown to help with blood sugar problems. In addition, the Alpha Lipoic Acid in this product is important because it deactivates free radicals and helps reduce hepatic lipid accumulation.
Vitamin E 400: The universal antioxidant properties of vitamin E makes it another vital nutrient. It also protects the cell membranes from peroxidation. Since oxidative stress is a major factor in NAFLD, all antioxidants are helpful.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
High consumption of sugar, in particular high fructose sugar, can lead to severe liver problems where medical approaches are relatively ineffective. The consequences are likely to be obesity, insulin resistance, diabetes and NAFLD.
What can you do to prevent these consequences? We recommend the Low Carbohydrate Lifestyle Modification. Dr Jones DOES NOT recommend Aspartame. Read about 'Sweet Poison' on his website.
These products offer Nutritional Support for this Major Problem for many Americans.
Special Products:
Ultra CoQ10 100, Ultra DM Complex II, Milk Thistle capsules and Vitamin E 400

Milk Thistle: Support optimal Liver function while protecting and regenerating the liver cells. Milk
Thistle promotes liver detoxification.
Ultra CoQ10 100: CoQ10 is an outstanding Anti-Aging supplement. For NAFLD conditions it is one of the most important ways you can protect the body’s phospholipids at the cellular level.
Ultra DM Complex II: Ultra DM Complex was formulated to help regulate blood sugar. Since Diabetes and uncontrolled blood sugar levels are always associated with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, Ultra DM Complex is an effective supplement for this problem. Its ingredients, alpha lipoic acid, cinnamon and GTF chromium have been shown to help with blood sugar problems. In addition, the Alpha Lipoic Acid in this product is important because it deactivates free radicals and helps reduce hepatic lipid accumulation.
Vitamin E 400: The universal antioxidant properties of vitamin E makes it another vital nutrient. It also protects the cell membranes from peroxidation. Since oxidative stress is a major factor in NAFLD, all antioxidants are helpful.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Thursday, May 24, 2018
Vitamin D | What a Surprise
It's not really a vitamin. More correctly it is a PRO hormone.
Did you know? Vitamin D3 is essential for higher animals. Normally the skin produces D3 photochemically. Hint: that means it needs the sun.
NO Vitamin D is produced by the body from fall to spring in latitudes north of 35 degrees. (Los Angeles, CA to Charlotte, NC) - the part of the year when the sun's rays are at an acute angle to the earth.
In addition, very little Vitamin D is produced in latitudes below 35 degrees in individuals who are sedentary and do not have adequate skin exposure to the sun. As you know, most people cover every inch of skin with anti sun (sunscreen), wear hats, long sleeves and long pants.
Did you know? older skin makes very little Vitamin D from the sun.
Recently I have found studies reviewing Vitamin D3 levels in Finland (The Big Vitamin D Mistake), and another in Denmark (Modulation of the sympathetic nervous system in youngsters by vitamin D supplementation)- 2 countries we know lack sun a good part of the year.
The Vitamin D Mistake concludes that we need MUCH more D3 than has been recommended for years - more like 8000 IUs.
The Denmark study is very technical, but i was able to glean some interesting facts. The authors start by connecting circulating vitamin d levels to heart failure (we have known about its benefits for the heart for over 30 years) and showing a relationship with autonomous nervous system in healthy youngsters.
They began by assessing 25-hydroxyVitaminD levels, assigning some subjects to a group with low levels and a group with normal levels. I figured out that the 10 ug tablet (with calcium) 3x per day was the same as 1200 IU per day. What was interesting is that the group with 'normal' D3 levels did not change much with supplementation. The group that was sub normal did respond well, but after 6 months they had not yet reached the level of the 'normal' group. I am summarizing and simplifying, so please forgive errors. The point is, that reinforces the information from the Finland study - perhaps much more Vitamin D is necessary for health.
Normal levels per Horrobin and the Vitamin D Council
What is Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) good for?
- Vitamin D is used for the prevention and mitigation of viral infections including upper respiratory infections and influenza
- Vitamin D supplementation reduces systolic and diastolic blood pressure
- Additional benefits include bone and prostate health
- Chronic pain is often caused (or made worse) by low vitamin D levels in the body
- Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) is the natural vitamin D found in the human body.
- In another study Vitamin D3 was used to treat shingles
- Another study shows Vitamin D3 arms t-Cells
- Vitamin D, in conjunction with Parathyroid Hormone (PTH), regulates blood Calcium (Ca) and bone mineralization. It also stimulates the release of prolactin and growth hormone from the pituitary.
General Information:
Vitamin D3, or cholecalciferol, is produced by the action of ultra violet light (UVB3) in the skin of humans and other vertebrates. Vitamin D2, or ergocalciferol, is derived from plants and fungi. These forms (D2 and D3) are metabolized similarly in humans. However, it is very important to supplement with Vitamin D3 because presently there is no accurate way of measuring Vitamin D blood levels when D2 is used. UVB3 rays do not penetrate the atmosphere in late fall, winter, and early spring. As a consequence, NO Vitamin D is produced by the body at these times in latitudes north of 35 degrees. (Los Angeles, CA to Charlotte, NC) In addition, very little Vitamin D is produced in latitudes below 35 degrees in individuals who are sedentary and do not have adequate skin exposure to the sun. In addition, older skin poorly converts sunlight to vitamin D in the body.Uses for Vitamin D:
Studies have shown that higher Vitamin D levels are protective against viral infections, including upper respiratory infections and influenza. Flare ups of COPD and Pneumonia are less common if vitamin D levels are in a higher range. Vitamin D3 can be used at 11,000 IU per day for 7 to 10 days in the event of upper respiratory bacterial or viral infections, including influenza.Gastrointestinal disorders of mixing and fat emulsification, decreased transit time, and fat malabsorption reduce vitamin D absorption. We recommend daily doses that overcome these problems. Adults in the US typically consume only 100 to 150 IU of vitamin D daily. Thinning of the skin and reduced sun exposure may contribute to decreased vitamin D3 production in the elderly. For these reasons.
Vitamin D is used for the prevention or slowing of osteoporosis, the correction of hypocalcemia secondary to hypoparathyroidism, and prevention of hypovitaminosis D. Use Vitamin D for any medical procedure or medication that decreases bowel transit time. Vitamin D insufficiency has been implicated in prostate, breast and 11 other types of cancer. Some of the conditions that Vitamin D plays a key role in preventing or helping are hypertension, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic pain and other autoimmune problems.
Vitamin D and chronic pain. The Mayo clinic has reported a correlation between vitamin D levels and the amount of narcotic medication by patients with chronic pain. The CDC reports that chronic pain is the leading cause of disability in the US.
Get your Vitamin D HERE: Vitamin D3 5000 .
The Related Products tab lists other Vitamin D product options.
More Information:
The UV Advantage andThe Vitamin D Solution, by Michael Hollick, MD
Vitamin D Council,
Wednesday, January 10, 2018
Nutritional Alternatives for Osteoporosis
Before we get to information on Nutritional Recommendations, you might want to look at this link re: How Ostoeporosis and osteopenia were "born" in the early 1990's. And don't forget, the bone density 'testing' is another radiation exposure.
So - you have had your annual bone density test. (radiation exposure) Lo and behold you have osteoporosis.
Dr Jones recommends nutritional supplements to support men and women with risk factors for Osteoporosis - a disease that affects many adults.
There are risk factors you cannot change: gender (women are more at risk), age (bones become thinner with age), body size (small women with small bones), ethnicity (Caucasian and Asian Women are most at risk) and family history (it does run in families). It does not help that you have had previous fractures.
The good news is that there are risk factors you can change:
So - you have had your annual bone density test. (radiation exposure) Lo and behold you have osteoporosis.
- Did you know? High bone density is associated with an increased risk of breast cancer.
- Did you know? Dense, brittle bones shatter rather than bending & stretching - a characteristic closer to glass.
- Did you know? Calcium is NOT the only mineral your bones need.
- Did you know? Your bones are living tissue with many functions. Bones are a rigid, protective organ. They are constantly undergoing ‘reconstruction’,
- Did you know? Bones are lightweight, strong and hard. They are made up of a honeycomb matrix
- Did you know? High bone density is NOT equivalent to bone health or bone strength.

Dr Jones recommends nutritional supplements to support men and women with risk factors for Osteoporosis - a disease that affects many adults.
There are risk factors you cannot change: gender (women are more at risk), age (bones become thinner with age), body size (small women with small bones), ethnicity (Caucasian and Asian Women are most at risk) and family history (it does run in families). It does not help that you have had previous fractures.
The good news is that there are risk factors you can change:
- Your diet. Just like other health issues, your diet affects your bones. Be sure you obtain adequate protein, calcium (over your lifetime really matters) and vitamin D to protect your bones.
- Physical Activity. Like muscles, bones become stronger with exercise. And the reverse is true
- Smoking. This affects calcium and estrogen levels and leads to weaker bones
- Medications. Read the product inserts for all drugs and/or talk to your pharmacist about whether your drug(s) will lead to bone loss. See all of the Supplements recommended by John W Jones, MD, MPH for Osteoporosis.
Until Menopause, and unless there is a known low bone mass density, use Ultra Omega-Linic and Ultra Vites. These are combined into the Basic Package. The essential fatty acids in Ultra Omega-Linic have been shown to contribute to bone health - as have the Vitamins and Minerals in Ultra Vites.
As mentioned above, lifelong Calcium and Vitamin D intake also affect bone health. Calcium D Chelate is a very good source of calcium. We offer a number of Vitamin D3 products. Vitamins D3 5000 + K is the preferred supplement because both D and K benefit the bones. If you are taking blood thinning medications, Vitamin D3 5000 is an effective alternative.
What is not well known; Silica is a mineral that increases the absorption and utilization of calcium. Horsetail is a rich source of this mineral. It is a very good source of both macro- and trace minerals in a readily available form. In addition to promoting healthy bones, Horsetail may benefit rheumatoid and osteoarthritis.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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