Does it mean eat your broccoli raw?
By Marilyn Sidwell with oversight from John W Jones, MD
You have more control over your health than you think you have. Not only that, but you are the most qualified person for the job. To say it another way, if you don't do the job no one else will!
The benefits are HUGE! For instance, you may be able to control health problems, such as diabetes, or even prevent problems with good eating habits. Imagine having glowing skin without using expensive skin care products. You may avoid many of the problems associated with
arthritis and joint pain.
The labels on food and nutritional supplements have been created to help you make food choices - but that doesn't make it easier for you to 'eat right'. We realize this. And it is why we like a good
multi vitamin and mineral formula that is based on scientific data. The addition of a
complete fatty acid supplement ensures that most of the essentials are in the body.
Dr Jones has often observed that getting someone to change their diet is more difficult than getting them to change their religion. And yet, daily nutrition is the basis for health. Keeping the body nourished is the key to prevention of heart disease- not to mention all our 'modern' problematic health issues. You've seen the ads promoting drugs you need to cope with these 'dis-ease' problems. What if the onset of most of these 'degenerative' problems can be delayed - or prevented?
When you were in school did anyone teach you how to combine foods for optimal nutritional value? Me neither... We found these interesting food survey results :
- Overall most people recognize the importance of good nutrition.
- In fact, many Americans assume they are 'eating right'.
- Other people feel confused by news reports and conflicting studies.
- Many believe that healthy eating takes too much effort.
- And / or that it requires them to give up the foods they love.
I have a Question for you:. What are the 7 food groups? No, not a pizza and 6 pack!
Several sources break foods into 5 groups displayed in a Pyramid with the minimum intake on top and the most recommended at the bottom, or widest part of the Pyramid. With the low carbohydrate pyramid Whole Grains are at the top. The second group is made up of Vegetable & seed Oils, Cheese & Dairy, Nuts & Legumes. The next group is Fruits. The next group is Vegetables. The bottom, or widest part is made up of the Proteins. NO added sugars or hydrogenated oils are recommended. PS. Avoid high fructose corn syrup (sugar extraordinaire) at all costs.
The truth is we each tend to eat the same 10 or 15 foods - ALL THE TIME. Want to make a real change in your diet? A simple plan is to select a different group of foods every day. A different meat or fish, a different vegetable (french fries are NOT the only vegetable) and a different grain for cereal and/or bread. Avoid 'the weight-loss diet of the week'. We encourage you to adopt the
'low carbohydrate lifestyle modification'.
Here are some factors that affect the nutritional value of food: Fresh fruits and vegetables usually have more nutritive value than those that are cooked or provided by food manufacturers (in a can or box).
To deal with
GMO and pesticide concerns learn these label codes:
- a 5 digit code starting with 8 means Genetically modified
- a 5 digit code starting with 9 means Organic
- a 4 digit code starting with 3 or 4 means conventionally grown
There are also considerations of food benefits that are internal to you: To benefit you food must be digested, absorbed, transported and used by your body, then excreted. If any part of this process is compromised, so is your health.
Digestion Problems such as GERDS, indigestion, constipation or diarrhea are not 'normal'; they are indications that your GI system is in trouble.
More on the labels on food and supplements:
What is the RDA? Why do supplements & manufactured foods show DV?
- The RDA or Recommended Daily Allowance is sometimes called the Recommended Dietary Allowance.
- It is used interchangeably with RDI - Recommended Daily Intake
- These are recommendations from the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Research Council
- They represent the amount of nutrient and calorie intake per day considered necessary for maintenance of good health, calculated for males and females of various ages.
- DVs are listed on food and supplement labels as the percent of a nutrient provided by serving that food. DVs are established to meet the needs of a healthy adult based on a 2000 or 2500 calorie diet.
How do you 'eat right'?
I have another question for you: If the label only lists 5 or 10 items when there are RDAs for about 30 nutrients, how do you ensure that you get them all every day?
Dr Jones and other nutritionally oriented doctors agree that the RDAs are inadequate. Even so, many of us do not consume even the minimum amounts that are recommended. Are you going to total up the nutritive value of each 'manufactured' food you eat today?

Here is an ice cream label with a serving size of 1/2 cup.
Be honest; who eats
just a half cup of ice cream?
So you decide to eat an apple instead. That is a healthier choice, right? I found nutritional information on the apple at the website
SelfNutritionalData. The apple has some Carbohydrate and Fiber information, and lists RDAs for 2 vitamins and 2 minerals. Hmmm. Is there another way to go about meeting your daily requirements? How about a different kind of web search? Search for foods high in Vitamin C. That gives results, but you have to do that for each vitamin and mineral - not to mention the other food categories such as Calories, Fats, Protein, etc.
The 'Nutrition Almanac' published by McGraw -Hill provides a table of Food Composition that is very helpful. It lists individual foods across the top of the page. Down the left side it lists ingredient information, starting with a measure, which will usually conform to the serving size. At least everything you want to evaluate is available in one place. The Nutrition Almanac is full of invaluable information to help with your food choices.
The fact is, we don't eat right. So how can you ensure that you will fuel this marvelous biochemical machine daily? You know, the body you live with and care for every day. Because we have many reasons that our dietary eating habits are less than ideal, Nutritional supplementation helps fill the void.
To recap some concerns about RDAs and DVs from Dr Jones:
- Most doctors do not see 'well' people. Actual RDA needs vary depending on the needs of individuals.
- The RDAs are set so that most normal people will have adequate nutrition.
- Most social programs are based on the RDAs - which makes one suspect that they are more political than scientific.
- RDAs are NOT optimal levles - they are estimates for populations.
- The RDAs are not for the very young, the very old, those who are sick, traumatized or stressed, or injured. Note:PREGNANT WOMEN should never take nutritional supplements without the approval of their obstetrician.
- You have to eat 1100 nutrient-laden calories to ingest all the RDIs daily
- A sick kidney is smarter than a smart doctor - unless it is a VERY sick kidney. Dr Jones' recommendation - use a really good multi. Throw in the vitamins and minerals that are essential each day - at high levels. Let the kidney sort out what your body needs. Dr Jones does not advocate the use of single nutrients (including herbs) until after covering the nutritional bases with a good multi vitamin and essential fatty acids.
- In fact, everyone will benefit from a good multi vitamin/mineral supplement plus Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs).
I know you have heard the statement - All supplements are a waste of money. Or: The only thing you get with supplementation is expensive urine'. However, since it it is very difficult to be sure that all of the essential nutrients are supplied by your daily diet in sufficient quantities to ensure your continued health, Dr Jones considers these basic supplements essential to good health .
We present these products for your consideration as a way to provide the minimum requirement to keep your body at peak performance daily:
- Ultra Vites and Ultra Preventive Plus Iron both meet and far exceed the RDAs. Both products are formulated by John W Jones, MD, MPH. Ultra Preventive is available without Iron, and Ultra Vites is formulated without Iron.
- Ultra Omega-Linic exceeds the requirements for fats - EFAs in particular because these pre formed fatty acids are deficient in our American diets, and their lack is implicated in many of our current diseases, such as arthritis and heart disease.
There is a lot of information promoting individual nutrients - like Vitamin C and Calcium. Turmeric and Ginger are very popular herbal remedies.
Probiotics and
Digestive Enzymes can be critically important for many people. Regardless of the benefits of these individual recommendations, Dr Jones feels strongly that you must cover the nutritional bases FIRST. Then the body has what it needs to work with the other nutrients.
A problem we have addressed in a future blog- how do you guarantee that you are getting adequate protein? You can read about this problem here:
Eating right means getting enough of the right kind of Protein!
For more information from Dr Jones visit his website,
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.