Thursday, July 28, 2016


An Excerpt from Dr Jones' Nutritional Protocol | Athletes - Performance, Injuries & High Energy Activities.

!!!   WARNING !!!

BEWARE: Name Changes are made to fool you!

Aspartame seems to be especially dangerous for young athletes, high energy persons, and those drinking ‘diet’ pop.  Aspartame breakdown products release norepinephrine, epinephrine dopamine, and free methanol.   Aspartame fosters other problems, such as excessive insulin release.  Aspartame adversely affects previously well individuals, such as pilots, drivers and athletes.

H.J. Roberts, MD, FACP, FCCP, wrote a paper wherein he highlights the many athletes who are dropping dead.  Aspartame can and does interact with medications as well as with other natural substances.  Be wary!

“Over 460,000 people annually die of a disorder called sudden cardiac death” (CDC statistic).  This condition strikes otherwise healthy people who have experienced no obvious symptoms of heart disease prior to their abrupt deaths.  This includes an alarming number of young athletes and professional athletes.  A mechanism has been proposed ... the excitotoxin damage caused by food additives and aspartame is ignored, despite growing evidence that excitotoxin plays a major role in cardiac disease.

Low magnesium, high calcium, low fatty acids plus excitotoxins under conditions of strenuous exercise, especially in extreme heat, along with the use of carbonated drinks, leads to a deadly result. 

Young people live on junk foods, and several studies have shown that the levels of excitotoxic additives in this food is equal to those that cause damage in experimental animals.  Humans are 5 times more sensitive to these toxins than any animal.

In a previous BLOG we covered Sweet Poison | Aspartame.
Aspartame has a new name: AminoSweet.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Natural vs Synthetic Vitamins

Don’t Waste Your Money on Nutritional Supplements

This is a true statement - as far as it goes.

At Nutrition Pure and Simple we care deeply about the Quality of our Products.  But what does that word ‘quality’ mean in this context?

Revised July 2017
Food for thought:
  1. Many supplements are not potent enough to be of any use to a nutritionally-starved body - Check out Ultra Vites for a multi that has high levels of nutrients instantly available to the body when the veggy capsule melts.
  2. Often manufacturers use cheap materials - to keep the cost low, naturally.  Ultra Omega Linic uses Pure Wild Alaskan Salmon for our fish oil product.
  3. Supplements with colors, flavors and preservatives provide toxins rather than nutrition.  Ultra Monolaurin is a 90% Pure distillate of coconut oil.

I recently came across some information on the web promoting ‘Natural’ over ‘Synthetic’ vitamins.  It reminded me of an article in the Townsend Letter for Doctors written in 1988 by Philip Zimmerman, Ph.D.

I’d like to recap it for you.   First he defines common terms. 

For instance, many people believe the term ‘natural’ describes a substance from some source in nature which has not been modified by the manufacturer.  In the nutritional supplement world nothing could be further from the truth.  In fact, there is no ‘official’ definition of ‘natural’ anywhere. 

A potential definition for a ‘natural’ vitamin is that the body recognizes the chemical structure of the nutrient and rejoices because it finds something it can use.  In that sense, what we eat and drink are recognized as ‘chemicals’. (or not)

When you look at the label on a bottle of supplements and it says that it contains 50 mg of a substance, whatever the source, that substance has been standardized by the manufacturer.  Otherwise they could not put that exact amount on the label.  (It is not ‘natural’, but has been ‘standardized’)    For more on this topic read this excellent discussion about the Standardization of Herbs, courtesy of our Manufacturer, Time Laboratories.  This is an example of an informative label.

Another problem with the term ‘natural’ (from nature) supplements is that there are NO naturally-occurring high levels of individual nutrients.  Why does this matter?  For many years it has been known that folic acid may prevent birth defects.   Our multi Vitamins for adults contain 800 mcg of Folic Acid.   If your supplement has high levels of individual nutrients, especially B Vitamins,  it is not ‘natural’.

Despite the current rage to have ‘organic’ and ‘organically grown and certified’ food, there is not an equivalent for the labeling of supplements.  If a nutrient contains carbon it is organic.  Vitamins are organic and minerals are inorganic.  Another common term is ‘Artificial’.  An artificial ingredient is  NOT found in nature.  These are the substances found in supplements and our food supply that the body is not equipped to deal with.  ‘Artificial’ substances may potentially be harmful to human beings and animals.  This is not the same as a substance that is chemically identical (or bio-identical) but is made in a laboratory.  Man-made colors, flavors and preservatives are ‘artificial’ and not recognized by the body.

Dr Jones has written extensively on the sad state of our modern diet.  I saw another comment on the web about how our current food supply contains a much lower level of nutrients than it did about 50 years ago.  In the mid 1980's I read a book written by Dr Emanuel Cheraskin wherein he described the huge loss of nutrients (at that time) from the plant in the ground to the shipped, processed, and over-cooked meal on the table.  This is why Dr Jones so strenuously promotes his researched, quality-controlled multi Vitamin called Ultra Vites.

So what should you want to know about a supplement before you buy it?
  1. Because there is so much hidden from the consumer by manufacturers, you must deal with a well-known, well-respected company.  Your best assurance is its reputation in the industry.
  2. A Question you may ask yourself is this: Is the product performing according to your expectations?    If you are buying it to relieve joint pain - is it?    You need to measure how the substances(s) perform in the body.
  3. In the ingredients list you need to know if any ingredients include milk, yeast, sugar or any substance to which you are allergic.
  4. Know this: manufactures buy raw materials from the same USDA approved sources.  Some ingredients cost more than others, so cheaper products simply contain cheaper ingredients.
I want to summarize with a quote from Dr Zimmerman
     “If it were possible to obtain high potencies of vitamins from nature,  most of us would prefer such vitamins.  As a rule of thumb, the following may be stated:  'The most important aspect is not whether a vitamin has been derived directly from a natural source, but whether the vitamin is the equivalent in molecular structure to the same vitamin as found in its natural state.'

     In most cases, with prudent label reading, it is possible to obtain the desired vitamin level of the various nutrients in a state which is equal to that found in nature".

Our manufacturer, Time Laboratories, has been in business since 1973.  Their expertise and commitment to quality ensures products that you can purchase with confidence.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Acne - Oh, NO! Not ANOTHER ZIT?

     Inflammation is a very large contributor to Acne problems.  Redness and soreness is made worse by these big dietary contributors:  Red meat, Milk, Bread and (most of all) Sugar!  Not what you thought it would be?  Say 'Hello' to Arachidonic Acid (ARA).

     At the same time you are enjoying your 6 cans of pop or candy bars or gallons of milk (and other milk products), you avoid oily fish and other beneficial fats in your diet.  It is a Fact: our Western diet is characterized by excesses, leaving behind a deficit of all the essential nutrients.

     Recent studies confirm what has long been suspected: Dairy Products & Sugar CAUSE Acne.

     Drugs and topical applications may make pimples temporarily disappear, but a change in diet is more effective and long lasting.

    Large clinical trials found that cow's milk (and dairy products) increased both the number of people who get acne - as well as the severity of the outbreaks.  High sugar intake (foods with a high glycemic index) had similar study results.  Milk has a high sugar content (lactose is a sugar).  Skim milk (low in fat) has a higher glycemic index than whole milk.

     All dairy products are high in many harmful hormones.  In particular, they increase the serum levels of testosterone and other androgens (male hormones).  These hormones contribute to Acne.  Dairy products also increase insulin levels.  Lactose milk sugar (not fat) stimulates insulin production which often leads to insulin resistance and type II diabetes.  In fact, a high sugar and refined carbohydrates diet, also known as a high-glycemic index diet, CAUSES  Acne.

DermaClear Pack
Here's a Gift for your Acne-Besieged skin: Our Dermaclear Pack has 6 Products to help your 'friend' (your skin) recover from Acne.
  1. Dermaclear Lotion
  2. Seaweed Soap-Free Cleanser
  3. Bamboo Polish
  4. Dermacalm Toner
  5. Argiletz French Green Illite Clay
  6. Dermaclear Capsules

Download our FREE Tips Brochure for Clear, Radiant Skin

Fish oil supplementation sometimes makes acne better - but sometimes makes it worse.

John W Jones, MD, MPH has a theory about that.

     Fish oil products (and fatty, oily fish) provide omega 3 fatty acids (nick-named EPA and DHA).  These compete in the metabolic pathways and help lessen the inflammatory effects of AA.  In order to have a natural way to counteract the inflammatory effects of our Western diet we MUST add a supplement which provides both GLA (Gamma Linolenic acid) and fish oil.  The usual sources of GLA are Primrose Oil and Black Currant seed oil.   For Ultra Omega-Linic,   Black Currant seed oil was chosen because it has a higher amount of GLA by percent than does Oil of Evening Primrose.

     When you combine the modulation of inflammation from AA by adding EPA and DHA from fish oil with the ANTI inflammatory effect of GLA the improvement in Acne is impressive.

     Add Ultra Omega-Linic to your daily routine, cut back on milk, milk products and sugar for an Acne-clear,  beautiful complexion.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Friday, July 8, 2016

They say Wisdom comes with Age - but sometimes Age just shows up by itself!

Tips and Tricks for Healthy Aging

Links to Dr Jones' articles on
  1. Aging Does NOT mean growing OLD!
  2. Don't worry - you can have Healthy Bones
  3. Stimulate Human Growth Hormone (hGh)
  4. Pain Relief, Help for Depression, Help for Sleep
  5. More Nutrients that promote Healthy Aging
  6. Start with glowing, healthy Skin
Enjoy a couple more of my favorite 'sayings':

Age does not depend upon years, but upon temperament and health. Some men are born old, and some never grow so.   --Tryon Edwards

He who has health, has hope; and he who has hope, has everything.  --Arabian Proverb

Aging can carry with it many problems.  The goal of these topics is to present a variety of nutritional suggestions that minimize the problems    While various health conditions are not limited to the older population, they are more likely to complicate the aging process.  For more recommendations see Dr Jones' other protocols:  Osteoporosis, Macular Degeneration, Heart Health, Homocysteine Elevation, High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol and Diabetes.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.