Monday, December 4, 2017

Information about the fish oil used in Ultra Omega-Linic

 We use wild Alaska Fish Oil in Ultra Omega-Linic

The Wild Alaska Salmon is caught in Alaskan waters by a certified Alaskan fishery. Neither the Salmon oil nor the concentrated Fish oil used in this product contains any protein. It has been filtered out. The product is analyzed for contaminants such as heavy metals, radiation and organic pollutants, and is guaranteed to exceed federal safety standards.

For thousands of years, the fish of Alaska's seas and rivers have supported human use  from fisheries used by Alaska's indigenous native peoples since prehistoric times. It has evolved into today's modern seafood industry. Alaska is home to abundant stocks of many species of fish, and offers some of the cleanest marine, freshwater, and upland habitats in the world.

Effective state and federal institutions manage fisheries that are productive and sustainable, clean and healthy. Alaska is the only State in the nation whose Constitution explicitly mandates that all fish, including salmon, shall be utilized, developed and maintained on the sustained yield principle. Alaska is thousands of miles away from large sources of pollution that can contaminate the human food supply in other parts of the world. These distances, combined with the earth's patterns of circulation of water and air, help to ensure that Alaska's own waters are among the cleanest in the world.

Alaska's human population density is among the lowest of any in the United States, and lower than most places in the world. Alaska has little heavy industry, and has strict regulations governing development activities, such as road building, mining, logging, and sewage treatment. The State of Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) has a regulatory section dealing specifically with water quality. Water discharges, such as sewage and other potential pollutants, are closely regulated to ensure high water quality. In addition, ADFG requires prior approval for any in-stream construction activities in Alaska's salmon streams through the authority of the Alaska statutes known as the "Anadromous Fish Act" (Alaska Statute 16.05.870). Alaska also has a Forest Practices Act requiring buffer zones from logging along salmon streams to prevent erosion and protect spawning and rearing habitat. Clean marine habitats produce pure seafood products, pure and remarkably free of contamination by pesticides, petroleum derivatives, PCBs, heavy metals, and bacteria.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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